Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just in case you've never heard it, there is no greater sound than the laughter of children. I'm talking about side-splitting, food blowing laughter.
As a magician, I don't perform for children as much as I used to...(stupid me), however, I jump at the opportunity everytime that I'm asked. There's something so "raw" about the mind of a child. They are able to find humor in everything that is even slightly amusing. At a magic show, many times, I turn the camera on them while I'm performing. When the show is over, I go back and watch and it literally is a show in itself. I've seen children spew Kool-Aid across the table. I've watched them laugh so hard that they fall out of their chair. Funny thing about a child; they could have a mouthfull of Oreos and not hesitate to blow half of them across the room because they are screaming with laughter.
It's a medical fact that:
"Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert."
I often ask myself why we as adults, don't laugh more often. I think the easy answer is that unfortunately, "we grew up".
I tell a story about my grandma in my show and at one point in the story I say "I looked up at my grandma and said, "someday, I'm going to grow up and be a magician". She looked at me and said, "Kevin, you can't do both!" It's an old line, but it speaks volumes.
Magic takes you back. Remember when you were a kid, how real magic seemed? A good example are the new Disney commercials where it shows the parents video-taping their childrens reaction when they tell them that they are going to Disney World. It's absolutely priceless and I want so badly to be that kid again. As adults, all we worry about is the cost, the hassle, the airlines, the hotel, the rental car and the craziness of the crowds. I want to only think about the sleepless night before the trip, the incredible view from the airplane window, the awesome swimming pool at the hotel, the little tram ride that takes you to the gates of the Magic Kingdom, the first family picture with Mickey just inside the park, the Dumbo ride, the It's a Small World After All ride, the parades, the magic, the streets, the lights and the wonder of it all. be so lucky...
Let yourself go once in awhile. Spend a day with your kids or, if you don't have children, then spend the day with someone else's kids (make sure the parents know of Just observe, just listen, just laugh and just think about why those times were so special to you when you were a little person.
Then ask yourself...why not now?

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