Monday, January 31, 2011

AWESOME! - "magic moments"

Growing up, I spent many of my early years running over the rolling hills of Steuben and LaGrange Counties in Indiana. These hills weren't anything like the mountains in the south or the Rockies in the west that I love so much today, but nonetheless, they were hills and made for great training when I was an athlete.
For most of my high school years, the inside door of my locker wore a tattered and taped photographs of one of histories greatest athletes and my idol...Bruce Jenner.
In 1972, Jenner placed only 3rd in the Olympic trial in the decathlon and then went on to place 10th in the Munich Games in the same year. This prompted him to devote nearly 8 hours per day over the next 4 years to prepare himself for the 1976 Olympics, where he went on to win the Gold medal.
Even at my young age, I was so impressed with his incredible work ethic and tenacious competitiveness, that I tore a picture of Jenner from Sports Illustrated and hung it on my wall and in my locker to remind myself of what it would take me or anyone else to rise to the athletic stature that he had risen to.
For those of you that don't know, the Decathlon is in my opinion, the test of the ultimate athlete. It consists of the 100, 400, and one mile (1500 meters today) races, the 110 meter high hurdles, the discus, javelin, shotput, pole vault, high jump and long jump. All of these events run over a 2 day time period. The athletes accumulate points over the period of two days. The athlete with the most points at the end, wins and traditionally, is named "World's Greatest Athlete".
Not only did Bruce Jenner win, but after excelling even in the weight events, went on the win the mile run in 4 minutes and 12 seconds. That time in the mile alone is a very respectable mile for college level athletes who train just for the mile. Jenner posted a points total of 8634 points which was enough to put him on the top and center podium for the Gold Medal. He was amazing...
Over the years, I've watched the General Mills video about the 76 Olympics over and over. I've shared this story many times with my own children and other athletes years ago when I was a cross country and track coach. There have been times in my life when I would dream that I met Bruce Jenner. Oddly enough, he was always wearing a track suit...I guess that's how I always envisioned him.
Then one day, about two years ago, I was sitting at the gate at the Indianapolis Airport and I looked up to see the very man himself, flanked by two airport security guards, walking by me and into the adjacent Starbucks - wearing a track suit! (see picture) I suddenly felt the urge for a hot cup of coffee. I jumped to my feet and was fortunate enough to secure a spot in line right behind him. When it came time to pay, I stepped in front of him and said, "I got it!" He smiled and said, "thanks man..." Wow - Bruce Jenner talked to me. He walked over to add some cream and sugar and I couldn't help but follow him. While he was juicing his coffee, I just started to ramble. I must have sounded like an idiot. He looked up at me and said, "Let me guess, you idolized me, and you are who you are today because of me, yada yada yada!" I'm sure he'd heard it a million times. I looked him straight in the eye and said word for word - "you placed 3rd in the 1972 trials, 10th in Munich, scored 8634 points and won the gold in 76 following an amazing run away win in 4:12 in the mile!" I was hyperventilating at this point...he put on a huge smile, stuck out his hand and said, "hey - nice to finally meet you after all these years." He then did something that blew my mind. He looked at the security guards and said, "it's ok guys". The guards turned and walked away and for the next 20 minutes, Bruce Jenner and I sat at the gate and drank coffee and "caught up".
He was one of the most gracious people I had ever met and even though he wouldn't have had to spend another minute with me, he took the time to sit down, have a cup and tell me about the old days. I'll never forget it. If you look at the picture above, you will see that the smile on my face stretches from ear to ear. Even today, sitting here typing this story has left me with goosebumps. We all have idols or people that we look up to with extreme appreciation. That day, I drank a cup of coffee and talked about the past with an old friend who had only ever known me through the yellowing tape that held his ragged old picture to the inside of my high school locker....

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