Saturday, January 15, 2011


There are images, mostly taken through my camera over the years that will always touch my heart. I've had the good fortune to be able to travel throughout the latter part of my life. During that time, I have managed to capture some photos that at the time I took them seemed trivial at best. One of my favorite things to do is sit down and go through photo albums of trips I've taken. It takes me back to that time and I can actually feel my heart step it up a little in anticipation of maybe returning to that place again someday.
This image is of my son Adam. We rented a small cottage on the beach in Treasure Island, Florida. Much like me, Adam's not much into touristy things and likes to avoid all of the gift shops and tourist traps in places such as this. I recognized years ago, that my little boy is blessed with an "old soul" and for whatever reason, has an amazing appreciation for all of those things that are natural. I was making my way to the beach one evening and as I first stepped onto the sand, I looked toward the sunset and, at only 11 years old at the time, there stood my son, gazing off across the Gulf , experiencing a glorious sunset. I don't recall seeing the sunset myself as I was more taken by his independent desire to seize this moment all alone. I'll never forget it...
Truly a magic moment and I'm glad that the camera on my phone was able to capture it in this way....

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